UMA for Windows, Mac OS and Linux

It is the unmatched expertise and experience of the design team that makes UMA a revolutionary practice management and clinical software. UMA utilizes the state-of-the-art, industrial strength MySQL 5.0 database at its core and capitalizes on all current and future technologies. UMA works natively and seamlessly on three most used operating system platforms: Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

  • UMA improves efficiency in many ways, such as through managing appointments and patient flow, by using the most of Your resources, by providing various types of reports.
  • UMA improves quality by offering detailed information of all patient files and making them accessible at any time. This offers You ultimate control of all the processes involved in the medical services, and opens new doors to an increase in quality of services.
  • UMA improves reliability by offering You all the data under Your fingertips for an adequate decision making, tracking all the steps and changes performed in the system for better control and reliable operation.
  • UMA improves flexibility by offering You various software modules according to Your needs, ranging from a simple to use compact versions for small offices to a complex system designed for the best-of-class clinics and hospitals. It creates specific user interfaces for different specialities, and at the same time it gives You the possibility of inclusion of various advanced medical instruments of You interest both now and in the future.
"We are absolutely committed to making the transition to our software as smooth as possible. Conversions are performed by experienced conversion experts, making them cost-effective and fast" (UMA team)

